Learn & Live 


In the Words of the Rebbe:

...The wellsprings were revealed and spread even into France, through the establishment there of the Yeshiva "Tomchei Temimim."

- Dvar Malchus Parshas Vayishlach 5752


Why Learn Dvar Malchus?

The Rebbe wants us to learn and live Moshiach, as we see within the many Sichos of Dvar Malchus, in which the Rebbe MHM Shlita says that the quickest and most straight path to bring about the ultimate redemption and reveal Moshiach, is by learning topics in Moshiach and Geulah, and applying it to one's life. Through this, we will open our eyes, the Rebbe says, and we'll see how Geulah is already here. Read more in About