Erev Rosh Hashana



A point from this week's Dvar Malchus

The most essential matter is the true and complete Redemption, truly immediately!

Several signs indicate the imminence of the Redemption, primarily the statement of our Sages[1] many generations ago that: "All the deadlines have passed, and the matter depends solely on Teshuvah [repentance, return]." My sainted father-in-law, the leader of our generation clarified that Teshuvah had already been achieved, and that we "all stand ready,"[2] and we have been ready for quite some time. READ FULL SUMMARY


1. Sanhedrin 97:2.

2. The expression of my Sainted father-in-law in his letter of 26 Adar I 5698 - [published in] his Igros Kodesh vol. 4, p. 279. And see HaYom Yom 15 Teves.

(The blessing of the Rebbe Shlita, after the Annulment
of the Vows, Erev Rosh Hashanah, 5752)